
Global English language education is expanding rapidly. As a result, many approaches and strategies have been developed to improve the way to teach and learn languages. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief literature review on a method that gaining popularity lately which is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). CLIL is a method of teaching a language by integrating non-language contents into the language lessons. The non- language content can be anything ranging from science, social science to literature. Moreover, CLIL can be implemented from elementary school to the university level. CLIL has been proven to be effective for students to learn a new language. At the same time, it helps to develop other skills such as cognitive, cultural awareness, and general academic knowledge. The literature also pointed out several barriers to broadly implementing the CLIL method which are lack of qualified teachers and relevant resources. As a result, it is recommended that school administrators and policymakers should focus on teachers and resources development.


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